Goddesses and Monsters Online Exhibition with the Ladies’ Room. The Ladies’ Room will be hosting this online exhibition opening in June 2023! In addition to this virtual exhibit there will be virtual panel discussions and an exciting series of events connected to Goddesses and Monsters. The Goddesses and Monsters exhibit will be installed in a local institution’s (TBA) brick-and-mortar gallery space with all the works seen virtually available in person. The Ladies’s Room staff will oversee sales of the artwork from The Goddesses and Monsters exhibit. Please get updates here
Nuestras Historias: Stories of Mexican Identity from the Permanent Collection is open year round. Victoria Delgadillo’s painting of Laura Berenice, a disappeared young woman of Ciudad Juarez is in a permanent exhibit and museum collection at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago. The permanent collection is in the Gilberto & Dolores Cardenas Gallery. If you are in Illinois, plan a visit at https://nationalmuseumofmexicanart.org/ . The National Museum of Mexican Art is located at 1852 West 19th Street, Chicago, IL 60608.
Just Added! To the Library of Congress
Read more on the process of these images being inducted: https://victoriadelgadillo.com/library-of-congress/ 34 of Victoria’s artwork images have been added to the Library of Congress digital archive online at https://www.loc.gov/item/lcwaN0027327/